UNICEF Webinar - Social Protection Response to COVID-19

"The coronavirus pandemic has triggered an unprecedented socioeconomic crisis, which threatens to roll back years of progress in reducing child poverty, leaving children deprived of essential services and families struggling financially. Without concerted action to expand social protection systems, families who are already barely getting by will likely be pushed into poverty, and the poorest families could face levels of deprivation that have not been seen for decades. UNICEF is strongly supporting governments and people in over 115 countries to deliver social protection and strengthen systems – and is committed to continuing and expanding this work during the COVID-19 response and recovery."

– Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director

UNICEF will be hosting a ZOOM webinar "How are social protection programs responding to the needs of vulnerable groups during COVID and what more can be done in the next two years?"

The webinar is scheduled for December 11, 2020 10:00 EST (US and Canada).

To register, please visit UNICEF webinar site.

Read UNICEF's report "Social Protection Response to COVID-19 - Strengthening social protection systems before, during and after crises", available for download in PDF format.