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Release: Scientific Seminar “Poverty of Children and Families“

| Europe
ICSW Europe

ICSW Europe and Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius with the support of the Lithuanian Committee of ICSW are organising

Scientific Seminar “Poverty of Children and Families“

date: 30 November 2023 – 1 December 2023
venue: Mykolas Romeris University, Didlaukio Street 55, Vilnius, Lithuania

ICSW is a worldwide non-governmental organization whose basic objective since its foundation in 1928 is to strengthen social welfare. ICSW Europe – the regional organization –every year holds a seminar on a European issue in social work and social policy.

Our central theme for this year is the problem of increasing poverty in Europe. After the European Poverty Watch Report 2022, the groups most at risk of poverty are Migrants, Roma, Unemployed persons, Women, Elderly, Youth and especially Children. The report says about child poverty:

“24.4 % of children in the European Union were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2021 – compared with 21.1 % of adults ….. This is particularly worrying as experiencing poverty as a child is likely to have life-long impacts.“

With this background ICSW Europe will organise together with the Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius a Scientific Seminar on “Poverty of Children and Families“ on 30 November and 1 December 2023 in Vilnius, Lithuania. In this Seminar the following sub-themes should also be discussed:

  • Connections between poverty and the Climate Crisis;
  • Growing poverty as a consequence of the COVID-19 Crisis;
  • Growing poverty as a consequence of the war against Ukraine;
  • Growing poverty through the rising costs of food, housing and energy as further consequences of the war.

The United Nations are planning a World Summit for Social Development in 2025. The output of the Seminar should also be a contribution to the preparation of this summit.
The language of the Seminar will be English. It will be a hybrid seminar where participation is possible in presence or online. Participants consist of representatives of ICSW member organizations, European and National NGO's and academic institutions. The event will be open also for students of the university.

Download the Programme of the Scientific Seminar (PDF)