Officers & Staff
ICSW’s constitution and by-laws make us a democratic and accountable organisation. The General Assembly meets at least once every two calendar years to discuss the key issues on the agenda of the organization, while the Supervisory and Advisory Board meets annually.
Management Committee
The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and the Management Committee are elected to take responsibility for detailed implementation of ICSW programmes and policies.

Sergei Zelenev
Bio: Sergei Zelenev, MBA, PhD

Dr. Sergei Zelenev was elected President of the International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) in 2024, officially assuming office on January 1, 2025. He previously served as ICSW’s Executive Director from 2012 to 2019 and held additional leadership roles, including Special Representative to the United Nations in New York and Global Treasurer.
Before joining ICSW, Dr. Zelenev had a distinguished career spanning nearly three decades with the United Nations, both at its Headquarters in New York and in field assignments across Africa and the Caribbean. His roles at the UN Secretariat encompassed progressively broader responsibilities in analytical and intergovernmental policy areas. He has authored extensively on social protection, aging, youth, and intergenerational relationships and contributed to numerous UN studies.
As a visiting professor, Dr. Zelenev has lectured widely on socio-economic development and social policy and has been a keynote speaker at many international events, symposia, and conferences addressing issues of global significance. His most recent work includes contributing chapters and co-editing the book Digital Transformation and Social Well-Being: Promoting an Inclusive Society (Routledge, 2023).

Ronald Wiman
Bio: Ronald Wiman

Ronald Wiman (Finland) has acted as the ICSW Regional President for Europe since August 2017 and Chair of the Finnish ICSW Committee since 2018. He was Chief Social Policy Expert at the Finnish Government’s National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) until his retirement in July 2017. While retired he continues at THL, as emeritus part-time Visiting Scholar.
He has held various management and expert positions at the THL and at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. Additionally, he worked for five years for the UN (in UNDP Ghana and in the UN Office in Vienna) and three years with the Namibian Government. Furthermore, he has had many short-term assignments with a number of international organizations. His special fields and publications include such areas as global social policy, sustainable development, development cooperation planning, the rights of people with disabilities, international migration and poverty of children. He has been Editor-in-Chief of two websites: and . He has cooperated with the ICSW since late 1980s in Finland and on global arenas.

Bio: Vacant

Cudore L. Snell
Bio: Dr. Cudore L Snell

Dr. Cudore L. Snell has taught and conducted research at Howard University School of Social Work for the past 31 years.
He began a career in social work after completing his Bachelor of Art’s Degree in Social Work and Psychology from the University of the Western Cape in 1974 and a Bachelor’s of Social Science Honours Degree in Psychiatric Social Work from the University of Cape Town in 1975. In South Africa, he practiced rural and urban family social work with a specialization in childhood mental health.
A Rotary International Scholarship in 1979 enabled Dr. Snell to pursue a Master of Social Work Degree at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, which he received in 1981. He later obtained a Doctor of Social Work Degree from Howard University in 1989 where his dissertation research focused on help-seeking behavior among young street males in Washington, DC.
He has been involved in the School’s International Service-Learning Program to Cape Town, South Africa for the past ten years. As the lead prevention specialist, his international research centres on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders among pregnant mothers who engage in risky drinking in the wine lands areas of South Africa.
He is the former Chair of the Council on Social Work Education’s Global Commission for Social Work Education and is a Social Work Pioneer from the NASW.
He is an active member of USICSW and the NASW International Committee. He currently serves as the Assistant Provost for International Programs at Howard University while he remains on the faculty as a Full Professor.
Recent Publications:
Howard, S; Sultana, S & Snell , CL (2020). Social isolation among young Black Women: implications for social work, Social Work Education, The International Journal DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2020.1767565
Snell, CL; Evans-Kwamla, B (2019). The impact of economic distress on International social work practice. In Berry-Edwards, J & Openshaw, L (authors). Empowering Clinical Social Work Practice in a Time of Global Economic Distress. NASW press.
May, P.; Marais, A.S.; De Vries, M.; Hasken, M; Stegall, J.; Hedrick, D.; Snell, C.; Seedat, S.; & Parry, .C : (2019). The Dop System of Alcohol Distribution is Dead, But It’s Legacy Lives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(19),3701
Bent-Goodley, T; Snell, C & Carlton-LaNey, I (2016). Black Perspectives and Social Work Practice. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. Vol.00, No.00,1-

Driss Guerraoui
Bio: Dr. Driss Guerraoui

Dr. Driss Guerraoui University experiences includes Professor at Mohammed V University in Rabat-Mrocco and President of the Open University of Dakhla- Morocco.
His professional experiences includers Advisor to the Prime Minister (from 1998 to 2011), President of the Economic Intelligence African Associations Forum, Secretary General of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council from February 21, 2011 to November 17, 2018 as well as President of the Competition Council from November 17, 2018 to March 22, 2021.
Dr. Guerraoui publications:
- Agriculture et Développement au Maroc, 1985, Editions Publisud, Paris,
- l’ intelligence économique, problèmes et interrogations, 2005, Publication de l’AERED, Rabat ( En Arabe),
- La problématique de l’emploi, approches et orientations, 2014, Publication de l’AERED, Rabat
- Economie et sociétés du XXI è siécle, 2016, Editions la croisée des chemins, Casablanca
- Le développement, la fin d’un modèle ?, 2018, Editions Al Markaz Attakafi Lil Kitab, Beyroute, Liban (en Arabe),
- Regards sur un Monde incertain, Changer ou regresser, 2021, Editions la croisée des chemins, Casablanca,
- Etre jeunes aujourd’hui, Révoltes du présent et regards sur l’avenir, 2022, Editions la croisée des chemins, Casablanca.
- L’enseignement et la recherche en sciences économiques dans les Universités publiques Marocaines, 2024, Editions l’Harmattan-Paris-France, Collection « les Afriques de demain »,
et Publications de l’Université Ouverte de Dakhla-Maroc .
- Medal from the United Nations Association of America, Hawaii State Section, 2003, USA
- Medal of the United Nations Development Program, 2005, Morocco office
- Officer in the National Order of the Legion of Honor, 2007, French Republic
- Medal of Economic Intelligence, 50 years 50 personalities, USAID, 2011, United States of America
- Medal of Cultural Merit, Luso-Arab Foundation for Cooperation, 2011, Portugal
- Mediterranean Award of Honor, Mediterranean Foundation, 2011, Italy
- Honorary Doctorate, Lyon Business School, at the International Conference for Africa, 2017, France
- Member of Sciences Academy of Lisbon, June 2017, Portugal
- Gold Medal of the "French Renaissance", April 2018, France,
- Member of the Academy of Economic Intelligence in the College of Emeritus, April 2021, France.
- Member of the Bord of Universal Declaration of Humanity Righits, juin 2021, France
- Member of Royal European Academy of Doctors, October 2021, Spain.
- Member of Royal Acedemy of Kingdom of Morocco, 2023, Morocco
Supervisory & Advisory Board - Regional Presidents
Similar governing structures apply in each of ICSW’s nine regions - Central and West Africa, East and Southern Africa, Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific, North East Asia, Europe, North America and Caribbean, and Latin America.

Christopher Dapaah
Bio: Christopher Dapaah

A well organized and highly motivated civil society advocate and Local Governance Practitioner over two decades with proven leadership skills, eager to make career in Management.
Christopher is recognized catalyst for Policy Reforms and civic engagements for championing civil society and community development initiatives in Ghana and at international levels. His expertise spans on Leadership and Governance, Education, Health -, water and sanitation, Human rights and social policy and as driving force behind meaningful reforms.
In his role as Country Director of Resource Link Foundation, he has skillfully facilitated multi sector collaboration and advocacy. His strategic engagements and organizations has strengthened policy and accountability, leading to improving Healthcare accessibility, women rights and quality of education in Ghana.
He also serve as National Vice President on the Right of the child coalition where he continually advocating for the social protection Rights and policies for the vulnerable and the marginalized groups.
In a number of these engagements, Christopher technically supported, designed, coached and/or provided backstopping for the planning, implementation and evaluation of programmes at the community, district and national levels involving both state and non-state sector organizations in Ghana.
He is the National coordinator for Local Governance Network (LOGNET), and immediate past Regional President of Coalition of NGOs in Health, and as local capacity builder on Social Accountability, advocate on Health policy issues, and Promoting Tax justice coalition and oil Gas, publish what you pay and Social Accountability, Gender and climate change campaigns in Ghana with international exposure through comparative studies/visits.
As Development Consultant , he supports private sector Associations as accredited service provider and Due diligence specialist for community based groups on development and promoting small and medium term enterprises for employment opportunities for business entities, farmers, youth and women.
Christopher Dapaah worked as a volunteer and full time in civil society environment over two decades of years with Graduate had Post graduate professional experience holding Certificates, Diploma, First and second degrees certificates in Business Education, Master of science in Public finance, Leadership, Governance and international Diplomacy , and.. , An astute social analysts with keen interest social Protection and governance issues.
Christopher has had engagements with a variety of institutional systems and make policy presentation on development issues for Ministries, local government authorities, non- governmental organizations (NGOs) and other civil society organizations (CSOs) and development partners, among others.
He contributed to many ICSW publications of feature Articles on Human rights and with a leading voice on sustainable development goals with civil society organizations in Ghana. He holds the distinguished position of fellow and Regional President for the international council on social welfares for west and central Africa and with visionary guidance paving the ways for more equitable and collaborative and partnership ecosystem across the continent and continually making presentations on social protection and other development issues at international conferences and programmes for the past 12 years...
In 2023, Christopher received Prestigious Dry Nina L Meyer of Global Leadership Award as a Leader with exceptional potentials and commitment to positive social change held at Hilton Alexandra Mark Center, in Virginia USA.

Petronella Masabane
Bio: Petronella Masabane

Petronella Masabane is a social policy and social work expert based in Windhoek, Namibia. For many years she has worked as a Director of Social Services/Deputy Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) of Namibia. Works as a consultant on social policy issues for the African Union. Deputy Chief of Party at Winrock International. Petronella Masabane got her education at University of the Western Cape in South Africa and Maastrich, Netherlands.

Max Rubisch
Bio: Max Rubisch

Max Rubisch was born in Austria in 1955. He holds a Doctorate degree in Law from the University of Innsbruck, and is a trained translator in French and Italian.
In the course of his work in the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs in Austria, he held the position of a Head of Department for 30 years. His areas of responsibility were Disability Law and Disability Policy, Non-discrimination, as well as European and International issues in Disability Policy.
In this function, he cooperated intensively with the European Union: From 1997 to 2020, Max Rubisch was the Austrian representative in the Disability High Level Group of the European Commission. He represented Austria in the Council of the EU when the European Accessibility Act was negotiated and a compromise with the European Parliament was reached in 2018.
He represented Austria also in the Council of Europe. In 2014, Austria organized an international conference on "Human Rights and Disability" in Vienna, in cooperation with the Council of Europe.
Max Rubisch was responsible for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) of the United Nations in Austria. In this context, he participated in the Austrian State Dialogue with the UN Disability Rights Committee in Geneva in 2013. He represented Austria regularly in the Conference of the CRPD State Parties in New York.
From 2004 to 2020, he was a Board member of ÖKSA, the Austrian member organization of ICSW. He was a speaker at several conferences of ICSW, e.g. in Vilnius (2007), Tours (2008) and Stockholm (2012).
Since 2003, he has been a lecturer for Disability Law and Disability Policy at the University of Vienna, department of educational sciences.

Sandra Carla Sarde Mirabelli
Bio: Sandra Carla Sarde Mirabelli

Sandra Carla Sarde Mirabelli is the Regional President of the International Council on Social Welfare in the Latin America region, member of the Brazilian Council for Cooperation and Exchange in Social Services (CBCISS).
Social Worker, holds a Master’s degree in Social Gerontology - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), researcher at the Center for Studies and Research on Identity (NEPI - PUC/SP) and is currently conducting her PhD studies in Social Work at PUC/SP.
Technical Assistant at Sesc São Paulo’s Department of Social Programs and Studies.

Tamer Bachir

Patricia Martin-O'Meally
Bio: Patricia Martin-O'Meally

Ms. Martin-O’Meally is a Psychiatric Social Worker by training. Her areas of experience include geriatrics, social work education and training; psychotherapeutic practice; substance abuse/mental health/co-occurring disorder treatment; interpersonal communications; program and staff development.
Ms. Martin-O’Meally has developed, supervised and managed agency programs and special projects at the Federal St. Elizabeths Hospital (S.E.H)and D.C. Department of Mental Health with 30 years of service. She was recognized for her efforts as an outstanding employee and S.E.H. Social Worker of the Year Award in 1986. As a private consultant, she created and served as the Executive Director of Life Studies Institute, providing training nationally for the Federal SAMHSA, the NAMI D.C. and has provided consultation and training to government and private programs and agencies in the Washington, D.C. area.
She has served in key elected offices for professional and civic organizations in Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia. She was appointed to several terms as Commissioner of Landlord Tenant Affairs in both Prince Georges County, MD and on the Governor’s Law Studies Commission for the State of Maryland. She was elected President of the S.E.H. Social Work Association, and elected President of the S.E.H. Medical Society. She was selected an NASW Pioneer, and currently serves on the Pioneer Steering and Program Planning Committees. She was elected Vice President and served on many committees within the local Metropolitan Chapter of NASW. She an Elder at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Oxon Hill, Maryland. Ms. Martin-O’Meally has served as Chair of the US Committee of the International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) and is President of the North American and Caribbean Region of ICSW.
Ms. Martin-O’Meally is a licensed Clinical Social Worker in D.C. and in Maryland; she has certifications in Psychotherapy, Addictions and in Public Management. She taught as an Associate Adjunct Professor at the Howard University School of Social Work for 24 years.
Education: BA Virginia Union University, MSW Howard University, post Graduate Studies in Public Administration at the University of Southern California, and Certification in Public Management from George Washington University.
Recent Honors: In 2020, Mrs. Martin-O’Meally received the NASW Knee/ Whitman Life Time Achievement Award in Health and Mental Health.

Fen-ling Chen
Bio: Dr. Fen-ling Chen

Dr. Fen-ling Chen is the Regional President of the International Council on Social Welfare in the North East Asia Region, and the President of National Council of Social Welfare, Taiwan.
Dr. Fen-ling Chen is a Professor in Department of Social Work, National Taipei University, Taiwan. Dr. Chen is also in the committee of Human Subjects Research Ethic Committee, Academic Sinica. She is PhD in Social Policy, University of Bath, England; and Fulbright Visiting Scholar in Rutgers University, USA.
Dr. Chen was the Dean of Students’ Affairs during 2016-2018 in National Taipei University, and the committee of National Social Welfare Committee during 2015-2016. She joins a lot of governmental committees, including Committee of Gender Equality, Ministry of Interior, Committee of Gender Equality Law, Tao-Yuan Shin and a Consultant of Taipei City etc. Her specialty are comparative social policies, gender and health, employment issue, family violence, immigration issue.
She is involved in the editorial team of Journal of Asian Social Science (Canada) and Journal of Social Policy and Social Work (Taiwan). Dr. Chen has a lot of academic publication, such as around 50 journal papers, 13 book chapter in English or Chinese, and an English book.

Suresh Pathare
Bio: Dr. Suresh Pathare

Suresh Pathare has received Masters in Social Work from Savitribai Phule University and Doctorate in Social Work from Department of Social Work, Delhi University. He has also undertaken his post doctoral studies at University of North Carolina, USA. He had served Delhi School of Social Work, University of Delhi, Tata Institute of Social Sciences,Indira Gandhi National Open University in the capacity of Assistant Professor,Associate Professor and Professor.
Presently he is the Professor and Director of BPHES’ Centre for Studies in Rural Development – Institute of Social Work and Research, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. He has been a social work educator, administrator, trainer, anddevelopment consultant over more than two decades. His areas of interest are Human Resource Management, Non-Profit Organisations, social work education, community organisation, rural development, community resilience, drought management, social security ,occupational social work, work and well being, HIV/AIDS ,and environment.
He has written /edited eight books, contributed chapters in ten books and about 20 research papers. He has also conducted several evaluative studies for local, national and international organizations. He has attended and delivered special lectures, keynotes and valedictory addresses in a number of National and international seminars / Conferences. He is appointed as chairman of board of studies in social work in Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU). He is approved Ph D guide in SPPU. He has also undertaken several major and minor research projects from UGC and ICSSR. Presently he has been conducting an international research in collaboration with University of North Carolina and Comprehensive Rural Health Project, Jamkhed. He has attended international conferences and presented papers at various Universities in the USA and Canada. At, present, he is researching on issues linked with building community resilience in the context of draught in rural areas of Maharashtra, adolescent health and empowerment, social audit, micro-planning and community based planning and participatory development.

Teoh Ai Hua
Bio: Ai Hua Teoh

Mr. Teoh Ai Hua is a senior lecturer at the School of Applied Psychology, Social Work and Policy, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM). He has a degree in Public Administration (UUM) and a MA (Social Work Studies) from University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. He has just passed his PhD viva voce recently. His area of interests includes public social services, professionalization of social work, case management and care in the community.
Teoh Ai Hua was President of the Malaysian Association of Social Workers (2009-2017) and is now member of the Executive Committee. He is also serving as the Vice President of the Malaysian Council on Welfare and Social Development (MAKPEM), and was elected as the Regional President of the South East Asia and Pacific region of the International Council of Social Welfare (ICSW-SEAP) for 2022-2024. He is a board member of the Commonwealth Organization for Social Work (COSW) which he also served as Chairperson from 2014-2020.
Teoh Ai Hua was appointed by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development of Malaysia as member of the Special Project Team on the Social Work Profession Bill from 2019-2021, and member of the Technical Working Group (TWG) on the Road Map to Implement Ha Noi Declaration on Strengthening Social Work towards Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN Community and on the Development of ASEAN Social Work Consortium (ASWC) Work Plan 2021-2025.
Global Staff

Antonio López Peláez
Bio: Prof. Dr. Antonio López Peláez

Antonio López Peláez is from Málaga, Spain. He is currently Full Professor of Social Work and Social Services at the National University of Distance Education (UNED), the largest university in Spain and one of the largest in Europe. He has held key leadership positions at UNED as Head of the Office of the Rector, director of the UNED’s Segovia campus, director of the Master’s Degree in Social Work, Welfare State, and Social Intervention Methods at the Law Faculty of the UNED, and is spokesman for faculty members before the Academic Senate of the UNED. He has been visiting scholar at UC Berkeley (USA), Western Michigan University (USA) and Universidad Americana (Nicaragua). In the last 20 years, he has published extensively in scientific journals. He is a founding member of the International Network for Social Policy Research and Teaching and the International Association of Doctors of alternative conflict resolution methods.
During the COVID-19 lockdown, he has organised three free online seminars to disseminate good practices, which have had more than 4000 subscribers, created a Digital Social Work channel on YouTube, and organised the 1st International Conference of Digital Social Work with 27 working sessions in English, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish. He is currently member of the task force to design the post-COVID-19 welfare system in the cities of Vélez-Malaga and Madrid, Spain. His areas of expertise include digital social work, e-social work, social work with groups, and social welfare and youth. Since its creation in 2005, he has been trustee of the Fundación Abracadabra–Magos Solidarios, which performs magic shows for children in hospitals of Spain.

Gonzalo Cavero Cano
Bio: Gonzalo Cavero Cano

Gonzalo Cavero Cano, works as an associate professor at Rey Juan Carlos University, teaching courses on program and public policy evaluation, as well as design, planning, and evaluation of social policies.
Gonzalo has been project manager at the chair for innovation in social services and dependency of the Fuenlabrada city council, the national distance education university, and the association of directors and managers. From this position, he has conducted analyses on the functioning and development of the public Social Services system and Dependency care. This involved evaluating the social investment in health, education, and social services by the Autonomous Communities, monitoring the deployment of the System for Autonomy and Dependency Care, and analyzing the implementation of the Minimum Income Guarantee and minimum income schemes of the Autonomous Communities. He holds a dual degree in Law and Political Science from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a Master's in Democracy and Government from the same university.
For two years, Gonzalo pursued doctoral studies in the Department of Political Science at the Autonomous University, focusing on the theory of political representation, participation, and deliberation in contemporary democracies. Subsequently, he joined the doctoral program at the Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS) in Vienna, conducting research on political representation and the relationship between political parties and social movements during the 2008 crisis.
ICSW’s global office is located in New York, USA.
ICSW’s activities are mainly funded by membership fees as well as grants from governmental or intergovernmental sources.
The ICSW Constitution is available for download here as well as ICSW By-laws.