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ICSW 32nd Global Conference on Social Welfare, Brasilia, Brazil 2006


report ingThe final report of the ICSW 2006 global conference held in Brasilia can now be accessed. Available for immediate download, the conference's final report. You can also obtain speeches provided by selected presenters by clicking on the names below.


July 17th, 2006 July 18th, 2006 July 19th, 2006
Aldaiza Sposati Carlos Moore Hans Van Ewijk
  Alfredo Bruto da Costa Eugenio Bucci José Antônio Moroni
Gery Rodgers Maria Leda Resende Dantas Judith Kaulem
Rosane Mendonca Mary Aune  
Vicente Faleiros    
Vitor Barbosa    

Hans van Ewijk, ICSW Regional President Europe: Citizenship and the Eradication of Poverty (86 KB)

At the recent ICSW Global Conference in Brasilia there were five special ICSW workshops. The overall theme of the workshops was civil society involvement in and contribution to poverty reduction and social inclusion. Related to the theme are the structures and processes that civil society needs to influence poverty reduction at both national and regional level. On the site are presentations by Timo Voipio, Senior Adviser on Global Social Policy at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Gerry Fox Special Adviser to ICSW and by representatives of The Finnish National Committee of ICSW and the Tanzania Council of Social Development.


Workshop 1:

Workshop 2:

Workshop 4: